You'd be surprised at how many women are leaving the bedroom unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Like many of you, I’ve been there; and to make it even worse, I thought it was my fault. I couldn't reach a successful orgasm, which ultimately killed my ego and cascaded into a series of bad habits and poor health -and believe me, sh*t got worse. I was absolutely sick and tired of feeling sick and tired; realizing that my poor habits and depressed wellbeing were primary contributors to how I felt as a woman.

So, I got down on my knees (and not for what you're assuming), and prayed. Yes, I prayed to the heavens that I could get my sexy spunk back! It was then that I began forming genuine relationships with other women experiencing the exact same thing!

Ultimately, Thee Pampered Kitty was born out of these conversations; where women with similar experiences spent hour sharing stories. The concluding belief was that there are direct links between mentally training ourselves to be UNINHIBITED, UNTAMED, & UNAPOLEGETICALLY FEARLESS & how this attitude could completely change how we take on ANYTHING, including intimacy! 

Our platform was designed to be a safe space for women to challenge those experiences and boldly step into the badass you were created to be. You got this; & we got you!  

Welcome Kitty Queen💋